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Guidance on how to use this page
How 'Help' works
This site is colour-coded and the help provided in this Help panel has the same colour headings that relate to each aspect of the site. Click on the links below the headings to open up the help text. You can close the text by clicking on the link again.
Green Panels or Wording - Help
Green means 'Help' on this site!
Blue Panels or Wording - Leagues
This blue colour relates to anything to do with leagues, from entering leagues to entering scores.
Yellow Panel or Wording - Personal Account
This yellow colour relates to anything to do with personal accounts
Orange Panels or Wording - Clubs
This orange colour relates to anything to do with Clubs, including web pages created by Clubs
Navy Blue Panels or Wording - League Organisations
This navy blue colour relates to anything to do with League Organisers/County Associations, including web pages created by those organisations.
How to use this Site
Everything you do on this site is carried out from your Dashboard, once you create a personal account.
You will find Help for each page on this site by clicking on the 'Help' button on the top right of your screen, as well as a 'Help' panel on some pages. You can also find additional Help pages in the top panel of this site. Click on the button along the top bar that has four icons in it. That will give you a drop-down panel that has links for Contact and Tech Support as well as Help documents. Please do contact us if you have problems using this site.
Click on the coloured headings below to open up (and close) information on each topic relating to this page. -
How to View League Results on this Site
You can quickly and simply view league or competition results in two ways:
1. Start typing the name of the club that you shoot with into the 'Find a Club' field in the left hand menu and select it when it appears in the list. Your club name will appear in the left hand menu. In the 'Organisations' area of the menu, all league organisers that run leagues that your club enters (on this site) will be displayed. Click on the name of the organiser in the menu and then locate their results pages.
2. Start typing the name of the league organiser, whose leagues you wish to view results for, in the 'Find a League Organiser' field in the left hand menu. When the league organiser is shown in the list, select it. A link to the organisation will appear in the menu. Click on the name and select their league results pages.
The site installs a small session cookie on your computer that allows the club and league organisation links that you have added to your menu to stay there while you navigate the site. However, when you close your browser down, or end your session on the site, those links will disappear and you will need to add your club or league organisation to the menu the next time you visit the site.
To keep these links in your menu, you will need to create an account on this site. The links you have added will remain in your menu once your account is created. You can add more clubs and league organisations to your menu from your Dashboard. -
How do I access my Dashboard?
Once you have created an account you will have your own Dashboard. There are two ways to access your Dashboard once you are logged in, from anywhere on the site:
1. Click on the orange button, top right of the screen
2. Click on the little round 'user' icon on the right of the top bar. You will find a link to the Dashboard there. -
Create an Account
Before you can enter or create leagues on this site you will need to create a personal account. Once you have created an account, you can then add a club (if you are a club official and wish to enter your shooters into leagues) or an organisation (if you are an association's league organiser and wish to run your leagues online).
To create a personal account, click on the 'Create Account' button on the top right of this page (you will need to close this help panel) and fill in your details. Please be sure to read our Privacy Policy. A personal account on this site is Free.
Once you have created an account you can log in to the site and find your personal Dashboard which will be the hub for everything you do on this site. -
How to Enter Leagues Run on this Site
At this present time, you can only enter leagues run on this site as a member of a shooting club. The reason for this is that shot targets need to be witnessed and then scored by a local club scorer before being entered into the site.
Talk to your club officials and ask if they would be prepared to enter you into the leagues. If your club captain is reluctant to use this site, you can do so on their behalf. We shall require details of your club and its official representative. You will be required to get your shot targets witnessed and scored by the official scorer within your club before you enter your scores on this site.
Once you have created a personal account on this site, you will need to add your Club to your dashboard (full 'Help' provided on the Dashboard). You will then need to add the League Organisation whose leagues you wish to enter. This will alert you to their Upcoming Leagues and enable you to enter them when they become open for entry. -
Entering Leagues as a Club Official
If your club shooters wish to enter leagues run on this site, firstly you need to create your own personal account by clicking on the 'Create Account' button on the top right of this site. Follow the help above.
Make sure you add your own current and accurate contact details to your personal account and NOT those of your club. The league organisers on this site will use your details to contact you and to send stickers and league information.
You will then need to add the League Organisation whose leagues you wish to enter to your Dashboard. It is FREE to enter leagues on this site.
Further details are provided in the Dashboard Help panel on what to do next. -
What is a 'League Organisation'?
A 'League Organisation' is any body or association that organises leagues or competitions that are open to the wider target shooting community. This can include National Governing Bodies, Regional Associations or County Associations.
Can County Associations Enter Leagues?
County Associations can enter County Shooters into leagues run on this site. A County Association official will need to create a personal account and add the County Association as a 'League Organisation' to the system. They will then have full facility to add shooters and enter leagues in the same way that shooting clubs can. There is no cost to County Associations if they don't run leagues.
How to Manage and Run Leagues on this Site
You will need to be an official of the Organisation or County Association that wishes to run leagues on this site. You will also need to refer to the 'Pricing' page on this site, which can be found by clicking on the icon on the top bar of this site. It is FREE to use this site until a league organiser starts taking entries into leagues run on this site. Only the League Organiser will be charged - not the official who administers the leagues
Firstly, you need to create a personal account by clicking on the 'Create Account' button on the top right of this page. There is no cost to having a personal account on this site. From your Dashboard you will need to add your League Organisation.
Further help can be found in your Dashboard once you have created your personal account. -
Help, Information, Tech Support and Contact
The Information, Tech Support and Contact menu can be found along the top panel of this website by clicking on the link button with four icons on it.
There will be a 'Help' Panel on any page on this site that users may require help with. This panel will either be displayed on the right hand side of the page or can be accessed by clicking on the green 'Help' button in the top right of the page.