Start typing the name of your club in the menu search box. When you select the name of your club, it will appear in the menu along with any league organiser whose leagues your club enters. You can then browse all league results. Create a free account to save your menu links.
Alternatively, check the league organisations’ drop down box in the menu to select the league organiser that runs the leagues or competitions you are interested in. You can then browse their web pages, league information and results. Create a free account to save your menu links.
Once you’ve created your own free account, click on the ‘Add Club’ link in your Dashboard. If your club is already registered on this site, select Option 2. If your club has not previously been registered on this site, select Option 3. Refer to ‘Help’ on the Dashboard.
Add the League Organisation that runs the leagues that you wish to enter. Click on the ‘Add League Organisation’ link. Select Option 1. The organisation’s leagues will be listed in ‘Upcoming Leagues’ on your Dashboard. Click on ‘Enter Leagues’ in your club panel.
If you are a county or regional association, or any other body that runs target shooting leagues, create your own free account, then click on the ‘Add League Organisation’ link in your Dashboard and select Option 3. Provide the official organisation details and click ‘Add’.
Click on ‘League Management’ in your Dashboard and select ‘Create/Manage Leagues’. Set up your leagues with any course of fire, number of rounds, with concurrent shooting, classes and/or divisions, multi-set or multi-score. Check the ‘Pricing’ page for costs.