Walk-Through for League Organisers

If you have been running your local target shooting leagues by post or email and want to use a system that simplifies and streamlines operations this site will help you. This is a brief document to help get started. There is another page on this site - 'Setting up Leagues and Competitions' that will help explain all the settings for running leagues.

Simple steps to help League Organisers get started using this site:

  1. Click on the 'Create Account'; button on the top right of the Rifle Leagues site
  2. Create your own PERSONAL account first - as an 'official'; of your League Organisation/County Association your contact details will be required.
  3. From your newly created Dashboard click on the 'Add League Organisation' link in your 'My Account' panel.
  4. If your organisation hasn't used this site before, click on Option 3.
  5. Add the organisation's full name, then an abbreviated name. The latter is important as it is used in instances on the site as well as on target stickers where space is of a premium. The contact details don't need to be your own, but if you create a Contact page in your web pages on this site, then the email address you include here will be where emails from the Rifle Leagues website will be sent.
  6. If someone else has already registered your organisation on the site and you wish to be added to officials who can create leagues on Rifle Leagues then select Option 2 and start typing the name of your organisation. Select it from the list. You will not have full permissions to create or manage leagues so follow the Help on the Dashboard to Request Permissions.
  7. Click on the 'League Management' link in your Organisation Panel on your Dashboard.
  8. Click on the 'Create/Manage Leagues' link in the centre panel.
  9. Click on the 'Add' button in the next page panel. Check the 'Setting up Leagues and Competitions' page for a breakdown of help on setting up leagues.
  10. From your Dashboard organisation panel, click on 'Manage Web Pages'. You will need to set up a Home Page, at least, with information on your leagues/competitions, so new visitors will see what you have to offer. Follow the 'Help' on the 'Web Pages' page.
  11. When you've created a Home Page select that page from the left hand menu. In the web address bar you will see an address that will be https://rifleleagues.co.uk/... with the abbreviated name of your league organisation following the slash. Copy that address.
  12. To either let your usual league participants know where your leagues are being run, or to create a link from your organisation's web site, use the address you have just copied. This will take your users directly to Rifle Leagues to see your web pages and league information. Once you have created leagues, web pages and have results, then your users will have direct access to them via this link/address.
  13. Tell your clubs that they will need to create an account on Rifle Leagues to be able to enter your leagues/competitions. Full details to help guide your participants are provided in the page/document 'Walk-Through for Clubs'. You can download this document from the 'Walk-Through for Clubs' page on Rifle Leagues or direct them to the page.
  14. Good Luck!