League Information

Eastern Region Shooting Competition Conditions

WINTER and SUMMER (Short range) INDIVIDUAL and PAIRS LEAGUES for .22 prone rifle. 10 shots per round for 10 rounds.

The Pairs leagues will be SHOT CONCURRENTLY with the Individual competition.

WINTER and SUMMER Short range .22 Benchrest anysights leagues for INDIVIDUAL AND PAIRS. 10 shots per round for 10 rounds.

The Pairs leagues will be SHOT CONCURRENTLY with the Individual competition.

SUMMER (Long range 50mtrs/yds) INDIVIDUAL and PAIRS LEAGUES comprises 20 shots per round for 10 rounds.

The Pairs leagues (50M/YDS) will be SHOT CONCURRENTLY with the Individual competition.

Summer and Winter, 10mtr INDIVIDUAL air pistol league comprises 30shots per round for 10 rounds.

ALL SHOOTING to be carried out on appropriate NSRA targets, including Benchrest on the new NSRA benchrest targets.

All targets to be scored by the same person, whose name must be notified to the League Secretary before the expiry of the first round.

Targets may be shot in advance – there is no start time for rounds.

In the event of unforeseeable circumstances arising, Club Officials should request an extension of time IMMEDIATELY they are aware of the problem.

The scores for each round must be on the website by midnight of the closing date of each round.

BEFORE SHOOTING IN ALL COMPETITIONS the appropriate sticker must be affixed to each member’s target making a complete set of 10rounds. The stickers to be stamped with club stamp or Club Captains signature or mark to signify this has been done according to the rules.

Club scorer to retain all shot targets for ONE month after League ends. Some targets may be called in at any time during League for checking.

A system of self-scoring operates and dropped points for the .22 leagues and scored points for the Air Pistol league should be inserted on the website.

SCORING: In each Pairs Division shooters will be awarded points according to their gun scores.

The Individual Leagues will be decided by the average of each shooter, based on the best 8 from 10 rounds at the end of the Competition.

Benchrest Leagues will be awarded points on gun score, any ties at the end of the league will now take into account the centre X scores.

Air Pistol Leagues in each Division shooter will be awarded points according to their gun score.

N.S.R.A. rules governing Postal Shooting will apply at all times.

Entry fees:- £4.00 for Inividuals and £5.00 per pair. Cheques made payable to Eastern Region Shooting but BACS payments preferred.