CTSA Constitution and By-Laws

Please Click HERE for the CTSA Bye-Laws
1. The Name of the Association shall be the “Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Association”.
2. The Objects of the Association are to promote, encourage and facilitate the development of and the participation in the sport of small-bore target shooting within the county of Cambridgeshire as defined by the NSRA.
3. Membership:
a. Membership shall be open to all individuals, clubs, groups or organisations of the community without discrimination.  This shall include, for the avoidance of doubt, all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of target shooting as a particular sport.
b. Application for membership shall be made to a designated member of the Committee. Membership applications shall be put to the Committee for ratification.  The Committee may refuse membership only for good and sufficient cause.  Examples might be:
• Conduct or character likely to bring the Association or Sport into disrepute.
• Views or interests contrary to the objects of the Association.
• Restrictions imposed by law
This list is non exhaustive and the Committee shall decide each case on its merits.
 c. All categories of members shall pay such subscriptions and     charges as the Committee may from time to time determine.
d. Where legal requirements or Home Office Regulations apply, members must comply with and satisfy such requirements and regulations.
e. The Committee may create any category of membership they deem necessary, determine what benefits or rights such member may have and may lay down procedures for induction of prospective new members to the Association. The exercise of any such powers by the Committee shall be subject to ratification at the next General Meeting  
f. Any category of member whose membership subscription or     other fees are more than 3 months overdue will      automatically cease to be a member of the Association.
Reference should also be made to Appendix 1) for further details.
4. The policy and general management of the affairs of the Association shall be directed by an elected Committee, the members of which shall be deemed the Officers of the Association.
5. In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Committee may exercise the following powers;
a. to raise funds and invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and     shall conform to any relevant requirement of the law;
b. to buy, exchange, sell or dispose (subject to any consent required by law) of all or part of the property (not including real property) of the Association;
c. to co-operate with other associations, clubs, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities engaged in furtherance of the objects and to exchange information and advice with them.
d. to do all such lawful things as are necessary to achieve the objects.
6. The Association shall be a non-profit making organisation and any surplus income shall be re-invested into the Association. The Association does not permit any distribution of Association assets, in cash or kind to Association members or third parties. This does not prevent donations by the Association to other clubs or Associations that are registered as Community Amateur Sports Clubs or Associations.
7. The Committee may pay accountants and incur any normal liabilities on behalf of the Association. The Committee are hereby indemnified by the Association against any claim or demand in respect of any liability incurred bona-fide on behalf of the Association.
8. The elected Honorary Officers shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee shall also include:
a. Such officers as it may from time to time determine who shall all be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
b. Nominations for appointment to the Committee must be given in writing to the Hon. Secretary 14 days prior to an Annual General Meeting.
c. All Officers of the Association must be over the age of 18 and be current members of the Association.
9. A member of the Committee shall cease to hold office if they:
a. Cease to be a full current member of the Association
b. Become incapable of holding or fulfilling the duties of the office held.
c. Give the Committee one month notice that they wish to resign provided at least five members remain in office.
10. A President of the Association and, as considered appropriate, one or more Vice Presidents may be appointed.
11. The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their number.
12. All the members of the Committee shall retire from office together at the end of the Annual General Meeting next after the date on which they were elected, but they may be re-elected.
13. There shall be a Quorum when at least one third of the members of the committee for the time being are present at the meeting, subject to a minimum of four.
14. The Committee shall hold at least two ordinary meetings each year.  If the Chairman is absent from any meeting, the Vice-Chairman shall chair the meeting.  If he/she is absent, the members of the Committee shall choose one of their number to be chairman before any other business is transacted.
15. Any member of the Committee engaged in a profession may charge and be paid all the usual professional charges for business done by them or their firm, when instructed by the other members of the Committee provided that the majority of the Committee does not benefit and that the member of the Committee withdraws from any meeting which their (or firm) instruction or remuneration is discussed.
16. No member of the Committee shall acquire any interest in property or goods belonging to the Association.  This shall not debar a committee member from being one of the holders of the legal title to any real property owned by the Association.
17. The Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at Committee and General Meetings.
18. The Committee may appoint one or more advisory or sub-committees consisting of three or more members (with at least one member being an elected Committee member) for the purpose of making any enquiry or performing any supervisory function or duty which in the opinion of the Committee would be more conveniently undertaken by a sub-committee: provided that all acts and proceedings are fully reported to and approved by the Committee.
19. The elected Committee may appoint co-opted members, provided that no more than a third of the Committee are co-opted.
20. If any situation is not specifically provided for in this constitution the Committee shall have power to make “rules, bylaws, standing orders or requisitions” (“rules”) to deal with it.  The Committee may make and maintain such rules as it considers necessary.  Any such rules must be consistent with this constitution and the law.
21. In event that the Association is required to deal with any disciplinary matter;
a. They will do so in accordance with the terms of the appropriate Rules headed “disciplinary matters” made and published from time to time by the Committee.
b. The Association may refuse to renew membership or expel from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Association or Sport into disrepute.  Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Association’s members and decided by a majority vote. Detailed provisions as to such appeals shall be set out in the Rules referred to in a. above.
c. Any member so expelled shall have no claim on the Association for any subscription or fees paid.
22. Once in every year (and not later than fifteen months after the previous Annual General Meeting) the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting of the Association, of which the Hon. Secretary will give 28 days’ notice in writing to all Clubs, groups and organizations.
23. All registered members shall be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting for the purpose of:
a. Receiving the annual report of the Committee and annual audited statement of account.
b. Election of Officers and appointing auditors.
c. Making recommendations to the Committee.
d. Whenever necessary, voting on proposals to amend this constitution.
e. Any other business to be raised shall be notified in writing to  the Hon. Secretary not less than 14 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. The Chairman may allow other business  to be discussed at his/her discretion.
24. There shall be a quorum if at least one third of the members entitled to vote or 25 members of the Association, whichever is less, are present at any General Meeting. If after 30 minutes from the time stated for the commencement of the meeting there are still insufficient members present for a quorum;
a. The meeting shall be adjourned to another time and place. The adjourned meeting shall take place within 42 days of the date of the original meeting.
b. If at the adjourned meeting there are insufficient members present  to form a quorum, the meeting will proceed after a delay of 30  minutes unless sufficient members are present before that time to  form a quorum.
25. The Chairman of the Association then in office shall be the Chairman of each General Meeting, but if he is not present, before any other business is transacted, the Vice-Chairman if present shall chair the meeting.  If he/she is not present, the persons present shall appoint a Chairman of the meeting.
26. Every registered member shall have one vote on any resolution. Every resolution shall be decided by a majority vote by those present and entitled to vote, but in a case of a tied vote the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second and casting vote.
27. The Auditor or Auditors shall examine the accounts at least once annually prior to the Annual General Meeting.  Supporting invoices and vouchers shall be made available on demand. If the auditor is satisfied he/they shall append thereto a certificate to the effect that the accounts fairly represent the expenditure and receipts of the Association, and its Assets and Liabilities, and they may at any time inspect any book, document or property of the Association in the possession of any Officer or members, and make a report thereon in writing to the Committee.
28. Any proposal to alter this Constitution must be delivered in writing to the Hon. Secretary not less than 42 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered.  An alteration will require the approval of a two thirds majority of members present and voting at a General Meeting of the Association. Notice of such a meeting must have been given in accordance with normal procedure giving the wording of the proposed alteration.
29. The Trustees of the Association shall consist of persons nominated at a General Meeting and they shall respectively hold the office until they either resign or are removed from office by a resolution at a General Meeting. The Trustees shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. The number of Trustees shall not be more than four or less than three, and the property of the Association (other than cash which shall be under the control of the treasurer) shall be vested in them. They shall deal with the Committee (of which an entry in the minutes shall be conclusive evidence) and subject to such record keeping they shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of Association property.
30. The Committee may not borrow money on behalf of the Association without authority from the members at a General Meeting.
31. An Extraordinary General meeting of the Association may be called by a resolution of the Committee or the receipt by the Hon. Secretary of a requisition in writing duly setting out the purpose, signed by fifteen members or 20% of the Association membership, which ever is the least. Upon receipt of such requisition the Committee shall within 14 days convene a meeting which shall be held within 28 days of receipt of such requisition.
32. If the Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association it shall call a meeting of the members of the Association, of which not less than 28 days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is supported by a two thirds majority of those present and voting the Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Association.  Any assets remaining after payment of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other registered community amateur sports club(s) or institution(s) having objects similar to the Association as the members of the Association may determine.
This Constitution was adopted by CTSA members at the EGM of 24 January 2010.
1) Membership:
Full membership of the CTSA is available as follows:
a. A Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Club may affiliate to the CTSA upon payment of an annual fee which the Committee may from time to time determine.  This confers the right to register Club members as members of the CTSA.
b. Individual membership registration by application from a person who is either a Cambridgeshire resident or a member of a Cambridgeshire Club.  Such application must be made directly to the Committee.
c. Honorary Full Membership may be conferred via an invitation by the Committee in recognition of good work and service for the benefit of the Association.
Associate Membership of the CTSA is available as follows:
a. By application from a non Cambridgeshire Club directly to the CTSA Committee.
b. Through direct application to the CTSA Committee by an individual from a non Cambridgeshire Club, who is not resident in Cambridgeshire.
c. Non Shooting individual Associate Membership by application directly to the CTSA Committee.  All applications for non shooting Associate Membership must be proposed and seconded by Full Members of the Association.
For the purposes of the Data Protection Acts, submission of members’ details will be taken as consent to members’ details being held on a computer for the purposes of target shooting unless a member clearly indicates to the contrary in writing.
Benefits of Club Affiliation shall include:
a. The right to register Club members as CTSA members
b. Representation at an NSRA level.
c. CTSA Website space to register your club details/links.
d. The right to obtain Authorisation to use the Norman Cross Range for Club purposes upon payment of a Club Range Authorisation fee. 
Such authorisation confers the following benefits:
1. The opportunity for Club Members to obtain Norman Cross Range usage authorisation for a discounted fee.
2. One day per annum exclusive range usage free of charge.
3. Discounted Range hire fees.
Benefits of Full Individual Membership shall include the following:
i. Voting rights at CTSA general meetings.
ii. Representation at an NSRA level.
iii. Eligibility for County Squad selection.
iv. The opportunity to earn a County Badge.
v. Inclusion in County Ranking lists.
vi. The ability to register as an individual member irrespective of Club affiliation status.
vii. The right to obtain Authorisation to use the Norman Cross Range upon payment of a Range Authorisation fee.
Benefits of Associate Membership shall include the following:
i. The right to obtain Authorisation to use the Norman Cross Range upon payment of a Range Authorisation fee.
ii. The ability to register as a Non Shooting Member offers inclusion for those who do not participate in the sport of small-bore target shooting but who support the activities and objects of the CTSA.

A schedule of fees will be drawn up which the Committee may from time to time determine.
2) Glossary of Terms:
For the purposes of this Constitution the following terms and definitions apply:
• CTSA – Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Association.
• NSRA – National Small-bore Rifle Association
• Small-bore – All firearms with a bore equal to or less than .22 (Rimfire & Air) with subsonic muzzle exit velocity.
• Real Property – Land and fixed assets owned by the CTSA.
• Committee – The elected Committee of the CTSA
• Club – A Home Office approved target shooting club
Patron: The Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire
President: Mrs S. Miller

1. The Name of the Association shall be called the “Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Association”.
2. The Object of the Association is to promote, encourage and facilitate the development of the participation in the sport of target shooting.
3. The policy and general management of the affairs of the Association shall be directed by a committee. The members of the committee shall be deemed the Officers of the Association, who shall all be elected at the Annual General meeting or co-opted by the committee. All Officers of the Association must be over the age of 18 and be full current members of the Association in their own right.
The Committee for the Association, shall be nominated from the affiliated membership.
‘All rimfire rifle, precision/Field Target air rifle and pistol posts on the Committee shall be open only to rimfire, precision/FT air or pistol shooters respectively or those who can demonstrate relevant knowledge and experience of the conduct and range safety rules and regulations applicable to each discipline’.
The Chair of the Association, who will also be the “responsible person” for the outdoor range at Norman Cross, must be a member of a Home Office approved club or a person who is an FAC holder and RCO for rimfire shooting. In any event such person must have a good current working knowledge of the NSRA Rules and Regulations.
4. The membership shall be open without discrimination to:
  a. Clubs, groups or organisations situated within Cambridgeshire
  b. Individual members, whether resident in the County or not  
5. Application for membership shall be made to the Committee. The election of membership via a majority voting committee with a quorum, taking into account the current firearm legislation.
6. All individual members, clubs, groups or organisations shall pay such subscription and charges as the committee may from time to time determine.
7. The use of the range for individuals, Civilian clubs, groups and organisation will be small-bore and airguns only.
8. The use of the range by any Organisation should comply with the range certification.
9. Where legal requirements or Home Office Regulations apply, members must comply with and satisfy such requirements and regulations.
10. The committee may create any class of membership they deem necessary and may determine what benefits or rights such member may have, and may lay down procedures for introduction of prospective new members to the Association.
11. The committee of the Association may, if they think fit, refuse any individual, club, group or organisation for membership without assigning any reason.
12. Disciplinary matters.
a) The power to expel and the circumstances are stated in section 21. b) of the constitution.
b) Any member due to be expelled, shall have 14 days written notice from the CTSA committee, detailing the complaint against them.
c) The member shall be given an opportunity to make written representations and or appear before the committee and be accompanied by a representative/friend who may answer complaints and cross examine.
d) The member is entitled to appeal as set out in section 21 b) of the constitution, being heard by the Members.
13. Any individual, club, group or organisation whose subscriptions or fees are more than 3 months overdue will automatically cease to be a member of the Association.
14. The Range facilities owned by the Association are situated at Norman Cross and shall be available for use by all clubs groups, organisation that have paid the necessary subscriptions and fee due on the 1st January of each year.
15. Any additions to facilities made by any organisation, other than the Association, shall be permitted on bare licence basis, save in the event of their being incorporated irretrievably into existing property of the Association. In such circumstances such additions shall become the property of the Association.
16. Alterations to any facilities or equipment shall only be made with the permission of the Association and any such alterations shall not affect the ownership by the Association of such facilities or equipment.
17. Every club, group or organisation that paid the appropriate subscription shall be granted one day in each year where they have sole use of the range. This day must be notified, in advance, to the range co-ordinator and secretary, giving at least one month's notice.
18. The individual member, club, groups and organisation must ensure they have adequate insurance, both for their property and third party risks, before shooting on the range.
19. Any property left on the range will be completely at the owner’s risk. The Association will accept no responsibility for such property
20. Any damage seen, or caused to the facilities or equipment, must be reported to the committee at the earliest available opportunity.
21. Unless it is a day where a club, group or organisation has sole use of the range than every paid up member has equal rights for use of the facilities.
Up dated Nov 2018