How to Enter our Leagues

Please follow these instructions on how to use this site to enter our leagues

At present, we do not accept individual shooters into our leagues and therefore you must enter under the banner of a club. You can be the only shooter in your club to enter but there must be someone available to witness your shooting, and an official in your club who is able to score your cards. You and your club official must also be familiar with the NSRA rules and regulations on shooting and scoring. If you have previously used our online league site at then your log in details will be exactly the same as they were. Simply log in to your account and make sure that all details are completely up to date.

1. Create a Personal Account

If you have never used our site before then click on the 'Create Account' button in the top right corner and fill in all required fields. Do bear in mind that the League Secretary requires all this information from you to both contact you and to send league information and stickers to. So, it's vital that you keep this information up to date! When you add a club to your account (you will need to do so to enter your club shooters), it will be your personal contact details that are used.

2. Your Club Details

You must associate a club with your personal account to be able to enter our leagues, whether for yourself as an individual (as a club member) or for your club shooters (if you are a club official). To do so, click on the 'Add Club' link in your Account panel. If your club has already been registered on this site, then you must select Option 2 when you click on the 'Add Club' link. You will need to request permissions to administer league entries by clicking on the 'Request Permissions' button in your newly formed club panel on your Dashboard. An automated email will be sent to all 'Officials' currently listed against your club. One of them will allow you permissions to enter leagues. If you have problems with this, then please contact Tech Support for the site. Do NOT create a new club account on the system if there is already one registered. Once you have been granted permissions to enter leagues, the appropriate buttons will be added to your club panel in your Dashboard.

If your club was not registered in the site's database and you need to create it from scratch, then select Option 3 during the 'Add Club' process. You will automatically be given full permission to manage your club's shooters, enter leagues and enter scores.

3. You will need to add Cambridgeshire Target Shooting Association to your Dashboard to be able to enter their competitions and leagues.

Click on the 'Add League Organisation' button in your account panel in your Dashboard. Select Option 1 in the Add League Organisation panel and type in our name. Then click 'Add'. You will then see all Upcoming Leagues for CTSA listed in a panel in your Dashboard. As soon as leagues are open to enter, then you will be able to enter the leagues by clicking on the 'Enter Leagues' button in your club panel.

4. Adding Shooters to your Club Account

Once you have your club account added to your Dashboard, and you have the relevant permissions, click on the 'Manage Shooters' icon in your club panel. If the club has previously entered leagues held on the site then there will be club shooters shown in the list. If you need to add more shooters to that list then follow the instructions in the 'Help' provided on the site.

You can edit or delete shooters shown in the list but, please note, if you delete any shooter from your club you are not removing that person from the system, but simply 'hiding' them from your account. Please make sure that all shooters' names are correct and if they are a junior, please provide their DOB.

Please do not use all capital letters and ensure your shooters' names are in both upper and lower case letters.

5. Entering Leagues

To enter leagues for your club shooters, click on the 'Enter Leagues' icon in your club panel on your dashboard. Select the CTSA leagues from the list of available leagues to enter

You will be taken to a box to add the shooters you wish to enter into that competition. By clicking on the 'Enter Shooter' a drop down list of your shooters will be shown. You can click on a name and they will be automatically added to the competition. If they shot in the previous league their calculated average will be provided in the 'Ave' box below their name. If they didn't shoot in the previous league the 'Ave' box will be empty. Please provide that shooter's current average for the discipline he/she is entering. * Please see below about system averages.

NB You do not need to click anywhere to save your shooters as the system automatically saves them once you've entered them. You can also edit or delete your entries at any point before the league entry date.

When you've finished adding shooters click on the Enter League button in your club panel. Click on the CTSA Competitions you wish to enter and follow the Enter Leagues process or refer to Help on the site. You can manage your club shooters again on the 'Enter Leagues' page.

You can edit your entries at any point up until the League Close date. Once you are happy with your entries then click on the 'Summary & Payment' button. An automated email of your entry will be sent to you from the site with information on how to pay.