Scoring Benchrest Targets
Benchrest Scoring Information
In light of questions I have been receiving on the subject, here is some information that you may find helpful (in addition to the rest of the rules and regulations that appear on the appropriate pages of this site).
Andy Baldock - CTSA Leagues Stats Officer
Link to a PDF on BR targets explained
Additional Information
20 yards and 25 yards
These cards are outward gauging, including the X ring. To determine the value of any shot, 10, 9 or 8, etc, a NSRA oversize gauge should be used. To gauge if a central bull is a 10 or a 10X, this currently can only be done using a plug gauge. The very central ring should be ignored as this is not the X ring. The second ring out is the X ring and is outward gauging. After inserting the plug gauge for the shot to be a 10X some of the black X ring must still be visible. In the near future it is hoped that new, oversize gauges will be available from the NSRA for both 20 yds and 25 yds that will allow determination of X’s by gauging to the 10 ring.
50 yards and 100 yards
These cards are inward gauging including the central X ring. To determine the value of any shot, 10, 9 or 8 etc, a NSRA oversize gauge should be used.
For the 50 mtr target the central dot is the X ring. To determine if a shot is a 10X a plug gauge must be used and none of the black dot must remain visible.
For 100 yard cards the central circle is the X ring. To determine if a shot is an 10X a plug gauge must be used and must cut the X ring to count as an X.