Rules & Regs
General Information - Rules and Regulations for all our Leagues
These are general rules for all our leagues. Additional information for LSR and Benchrest leagues are shown below. NB, we run all our leagues using NSRA rules and regulations on shooting and scoring.
- Averages will be calculated automatically by the online system to show each shooter’s average based on all cards shot to date, in each discipline, over the current or previous league, if that shooter has competed in the most recent CTSA online league. Captains are not at liberty to amend these calculated averages without permission from the League Secretary or Stats Officer.
- There are three instances when a Captain will need to enter an average for his shooter:
- If the shooter has not participated in the CTSA online league before
- If the shooter has not shot in the current or preceding league and therefore has no current average stored in the system
- If the shooter shot less that 2 cards throughout the current or preceding leagues. **Notes on System Averages at bottom of page.
- NB: Definition of current or preceding league: if a shooter is entering a forthcoming league whilst still finishing the currently running league then this is the ‘current’ league. If a shooter enters a forthcoming league and the preceding league is finished then that league is the ‘preceding’ league.
- When a captain needs to enter an average for his shooter this average must either be the most recent NSRA average for that discipline or, if the shooter doesn’t have one of those, then the average must be taken from the best 5 of the last 6 cards shot. NB. Please take a note of the scoring for any given competition you are entering averages for. If the competition is ex200, e.g. then please enter an average ex200.
- Any amendments made to the averages input boxes will be alerted automatically to the League Secretary when a league entry is submitted. Any amendments to averages will need to be validated.
League Entries
- Entries to the leagues must be made online by the given 'Enter By' date to be included in our leagues. Any late entries could be accepted, but only at the discretion of the League Secretary.
- Should there be insufficient entries for any particular competition in the CTSA leagues to create reasonably sized divisions, then that competition may be cancelled. Any fees paid will be reimbursed.
- Should a shooter belong to two clubs he/she cannot shoot in the same competition in the league for both clubs. He/she can shoot for one club in the individuals and in a team for the other club.
- The definition of a junior shooter in the CTSA leagues is this: the shooter must be under 21 years of age on 31st December in the current year.
- Payment for league entries must be made before the league commences. Failure to pay will result in entries being withdrawn from the leagues. Stickers will not be sent to clubs until they have paid for their entry.
- All our leagues are self-scoring. All shot cards are to be signed by the shooter, witnessed and dated (by the witness only), and then scored by the Club Captain or Official who has been appointed as the Club Scorer. Scores are the responsibility of the Club Scorer/Captain and should be entered online directly by the official responsible. It is also the responsibility of the scorer/official to ensure that the targets have been signed and dated correctly and all is in order with the target. Any other club member who enters scores should be designated as a club Official in the club's online account.
- All shot cards should be gauged and scoring should, in all cases, be carried out in accordance with NSRA Rules, Section 6, Chapter 8 (Scoring) using the correct scoring plan for the type of shooting taking place. (Please see below for information on Air disciplines). Rim fire short range cards must be scored outwardly with .22 gauge whatever calibre is used. Rim fire Long range cards must be scored inwardly.
- Should Club Captains/Scorers not be able to enter scores online for any reason then scores need to be sent to the Stats Officer or League Secretary by the Round End date shown.
- Scoring for each competition (points scored or points dropped) is specified on this site at the point of league entry and at the point of score entry as well as on the League Information page.
- Course of fire for all rim fire small-bore leagues: one card, ex 100, per round, to be shot unless individual and team cards are shot concurrently. For air and LSR leagues please see rules on course of fire below
- Cards can be shot, and scores can be entered, in advance of each round. You do not need to wait until a round has been completed before subsequent rounds are shot or scores entered.
- Scores not entered or notified to the Stats Officer or League Sec by midnight of the round end date will be marked as NSR (no score received/recorded).
- Scores entered into the online database cannot be edited except by the Stats Officer or League Sec. Should incorrect scores have been entered for previous rounds please notify the Stats Officer or League Secretary in the first instance. Shot cards relating to the score discrepancy may be required for checking before any editing is carried out.
- ALL shot cards must be held by the Club Captain/Scorer for a month after the last round in any season in case of a query over scoring.
- The Statistics Officer will be checking shot cards on a regular, though random, basis. Please send cards directly to him should he request them. Clubs that are unable to supply their shot cards when requested could be subject to disqualification from the league. Any discrepancies in scores found by the stats officer will be adjusted in the database accordingly. Stats officer's decision on scores is final.
- Correct stickers must be placed on each card shot. If individual and team cards are shot concurrently then both relevant stickers must be placed on each card. Any amendments required to sticker information must be discussed with the League Secretary. Amended cards that have not been approved could be subject to disqualification.
- Targets used must be the current approved NSRA Pattern for each distance. Only original NSRA targets to be used in this league.
Extensions and Substitutions
- The captain is responsible for entering shooters’ scores online before the Round End date for each round. If he/she has shooters’ card scores that have been shot in time but the captain fails to enter the scores in time those scores will only be accepted at the League Secretary's discretion.
- If an extension is required for any shooter, then this be requested before the Round End date for the round/s in question. No retrospective extensions will be granted after the Round has closed. Time extensions and substitutions, including the substitute’s name and average, will only be valid if requested and confirmed by email, before the relevant round closing date
- If an extension is requested, then a date for completion of the round/s must be agreed between Captain/shooter and League Secretary/Stats Officer. If a date can’t be agreed, then the statutory 10 days will be granted. After that date, or the agreed date, no scores will be accepted.
- Should a shooter be unable to shoot and a substitute is required please discuss this immediately with the League Secretary or Stats Officer. Substitutes are permitted at any time through any league season, for team events, subject to average score and scoring rules set out in NSRA Rules, Section 2, Chapter 7, Paragraph 7.9.7.
- Substitutions are only permitted for team competitions. We do not allow substitutions for individual competitions.
Benchrest Leagues. Additional Information - General Rules above will still apply.
- Individual shooters in short and long range, and teams of 2 or 3, with appropriate NSRA benchrest targets for distance shot (15yd, 20yd, 25yd, 25m, 50m/50yd or 100yds).
- Rifles of .22 calibre or less, rimfire cartridge or air, may be used.
- NSRA Benchrest Rules apply.
- Scoring to be with .22 gauges, with oversize gauges to be used as specified by the NSRA.
- Wadcutter pellets ONLY must be used for the 10m Air Benchrest competition.
- Please note: from Summer 2019 we will be insisting on the use of NSRA benchrest targets across all distances (apart from 10m Air Rifle and 15yd short range). If you require any further information on this please contact us.
- Please note an update to NSRA benchrest rules commencing 1st April 2021: these changes clarify on how the non-firing hand may support the rifle (Rule and on the permitted material on the top of the shooting bench as an aid to comfort (Rule Other changes deal with permitted and prohibited additions to the stock and rest (Rules, and There are also widespread alterations to rule numbers in Section 7.4, which deals with the conduct of shooting in postal competitions in relation to ETS (electronic target systems). Please be sure to update yourselves on all these new rules.
- Starting with Winter 2024-25 50m Benchrest leagues, all shooting must be carried out on the 10 spot (50M10BR17 – 18) target.
- Evidence of provided start averages (if not system derived), by means of photographic images of fully witnessed cards that were used to calculate the shooter's starting average, will be requested when that shooter shows a consistent running average of 1.5 - 2+ points above their starting average after the first four rounds of the competition. The CTSA reserves the right to move any shooter in individual competitions to a higher division in keeping with their running average.
Airgun Leagues. Additional Information - General Rules above will still apply.
- Individual shooters only.
- 10 Metre competitions will be 30 shots per round, shot within one hour including any sighters. The air rifle competition will be shot on AIR3/89-18 targets (competitors may also use singe bull targets or five bull strips). In any case one shot per diagram. The air pistol competition will be shot on AIR4/89-18 targets, five shots per diagram. Cards for these competitions may be shot with .177 rifle/pistol only. To be scored as per NSRA rules, inwardly, with correct gauge.
- 20 Yard competition will be 20 shots per round, 10 shots at each of two PL15-18 targets. This competition may be shot with .177 or .22 air pistols and must be scored and gauged as .22. To be scored as per NSRA rules, inwardly, with correct gauge.
- Pellets may be flat or round nosed, but wadcutter pellets must be used in the 10m benchrest competition.
- For the 10 metre benchrest competition the same targets as above will be used but there will only be 20 shots per round.
- For Supported Rest 10m and 20yd Air Pistol competitions, please refer to ISSF rules and Regulations here.
LSR Discipline Leagues. Additional CTSA & NSRA Rules - General Rules above will still apply.
- Shooting to be done from the shoulder in the standing position and unsupported, at distances of 20yds or 25mtrs. If shooting at 20yds NSRA PL14 targets to be used, at 25mtrs SPA1 or equivalent targets to be used.
- No special or adapted clothing allowed, casual clothes only, no camouflage or military type clothing to be worn. (ISSF has banned this type of clothing).
- All rifles used to be .22 calibre, short, long or long rifle rim fire or .177 compressed air or CO2.
- The overall weight, including sights and a glove if used (for the support hand, left hand if right handed, right hand if left handed), shall not exceed 4.5kg.
- No specialist butt plate or hooks, palm rests or weights to be added to the rifle.
- No rifle supports are to be used, this includes back supports or support belts worn by the shooter.
- Any type of sights can be used, optical or metallic.
- Trigger must support a 500g (1.1lb) weight.
- If the rifle is used with a magazine, it shall not be loaded with more than 10 cartridges or projectiles, even though the magazine may be of a larger capacity. NSRA rule
- Only sub-sonic .22 ammunition to be used.
- All targets to be scored with .22 gauge.
- Course of fire is 20 shots deliberate per round, 5 shots at each of the 4 targets and all must be fired on the same day.
LSR Safety: - all rifles and magazines to be unloaded at all times, except when loading and shooting on the firing point, under the control of a range officer. NSRA safety rules from 1.9 down to and including 1.9.7 apply. Breech flags to be used at all times. If these do not fit, then the system used for air rifle should be employed (length of strimmer wire inserted from the breech to outside the end of the barrel so it can be seen).
New! Supported Rest Pistol Competitions - 10m and 20yd.
Our general rules apply as above. However, we will use the ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) rules and regulations on Supported Rest shooting. Please refer to their rules by following this link and downloading the PDF file. Please click here.
**How the system works out averages
If your club has entered our leagues before, the system will calculate your shooters' averages based on these criteria:
- If they are shooting in the current league (i.e. the one that is running at the time of a new league being opened for entries) then all rounds' scores, already shot, will be used to calculate an average for the new league's entry as long as the shooter has provided scores for two or more rounds. The later an entry is made for a new season's league the more rounds' scores will be used to calculate an average for your shooters.
- If less than two rounds have been completed in the currently running league then scores from the preceding league will be used.
- If less than two rounds have been completed in the currently running league and the shooter didn't participate in the preceding league, of if they did participate but provided less than two scores, then no system average will be provided.
*How we score our leagues
Our leagues' competitions are generally sorted into divisions of six shooters or teams. There are situations when we will deviate from this, particularly depending on the number of entries. At midnight of each round end date the winner of each round will be awarded 6 ranking points (if there are 6 in the division); 5 points will be added to the next best shooter/team and so on to the last shooter, who will be awarded 1 point. The ranking points columns are shown with a little downward arrow after the gun score columns. If a shooter doesn't provide a score for any particular round NSR (no score recorded) will be displayed in his score field and he will receive 0 ranking points. In the case of a team that doesn't provide scores for all its team members, NSR will be displayed even though the rest of the team's scores may have been entered. The ranking points awarded for that team will reflect the total score received from the team members whose scores were entered. Therefore, 0 points are NOT given for a team that provides some scores. Teams will therefore be ranked in accordance with the gun scores received.
In the case of two shooters/teams entering the same gun score they will both receive the same number of ranking points. Subsequent shooters/teams will then be pushed down to third in the rankings. For example, three shooters enter a gun score of 1 in a division of 6 and they are awarded 6 ranking points each. The next best shooter enters a gun score of 4 but because he is, in effect, the fourth in the division his ranking score will be 3, the same score he would have received had the first three shooters entered three different gun scores better than his (0,1,2, for example).
Shooters/teams are moved around in their positions in the divisions depending on their overall running total of ranking points scored after each round. At the end of the competition, after the final round, the shooter/team with the highest ranking points wins that division. Winners of division 1 in any competition are awarded engraved, bespoke, gold medal/s and winners of subsequent divisions are awarded silver medals. In the case of a draw in ranking points, the gun score will determine the winner. In the case of a draw in total gun score, winners' medals are awarded on count back, with the first lowest (or highest, depending on the competition) gun score in the last round (and further back if necessary) used as the decider.