League Information
General Information on our Leagues
Below you will find details of all the competitions we offer in our leagues - all are available in both our Winter and Summer seasons. For League Round Dates please see the bottom of the page. Please note that there can be 'Enter Scores By' dates as well as Round End dates. If the league you enter has Enter Scores By dates as well as Round End dates then there will be a delay to results being shown on the site. Results are displayed immediately after midnight of the Round End dates.
.22 Short Range - 15yd, 20yd, 25yd, 25m Competition, Individual, Pairs or Team
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 10 shots (ex100, points dropped). Individual entry, pairs or teams of 4 shooters. Individual and team cards can be shot concurrently. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual, £6 per pair and £12 per team.
.22 Long Range - 50m and 100yd Competitions, Individual, Pairs or Team
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 10 shots (ex100, points dropped). Individual entry, pairs or teams of 3 shooters. Individual and team cards can be shot concurrently. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual, £6 per pair and £9 per team.
Benchrest (Any Sights), Short Range - 15yd, 20yd, 25yd, 25m Competition, Individual, Pairs and team.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 10 shots (ex100, points dropped). Individual entry, pairs or teams of 3 shooters. Individual and team cards can be shot concurrently. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual, £6 per pair and £9 per team.
Please note: We require that shooters use NSRA Benchrest targets across all benchrest competitions (apart from 10m Air Rifle and 15yd short range). If you are unsure of the targets to use please contact us.
Benchrest (Any Sights), Long Range - 50yd/50m and 100yd Competitions, Individual only.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 10 shots (ex100, points dropped). Individual entry only. For 10m Air Benchrest see below. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
Please Note: From Winter 2024-25 we will require shooters to use the 10 spot (50M10BR17-18) targets.
Air Rifle and Air Pistol, 10m Competitions, Individual only.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 30 shots (score 300, points scored) , five shots per diagram on Air 3/89 -18 targets for air rifle and Air 4/89 -18 for air pistol. Individual entry only. Any pellets. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
NEW! Supported Rest Air Pistol, 10m Competitions, Individual only.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 30 shots (score 300, points scored) , five shots per diagram on Air 4/89 -18 for air pistol. Individual entry only. Any pellets. Please refer to the ISSF document on Supported Rest shooting for rules and regulations Click here Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
Air Pistol, .177 or .22 20yd Competition. Individual only.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 20 shots (score 200, points scored) , ten shots per diagram on PL15 -18 targets. Individual entry only. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
NEW! Supported Rest Air Pistol, .177 or .22 20yd Competitions. Individual only.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 20 shots (score 200, points scored), ten shots per diagram on PL15 -18 targets. Individual entry only. Please refer to the ISSF document on Supported Rest shooting for rules and regulations Click here Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
Benchrest (Any Sights) Air Rifle, 10m Competition. Individual only.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. Course of fire 20 shots (score 200, points scored), wadcutter pellets, one shot per diagram on Air 3/89 -18 targets for air rifle. Please note: you can also use the 5 diagram horizontal strip targets, 2/89. Standard benchrest rules apply. Individual entry only. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
LSR, .22 or .177, short range 20yd or 25m Competition, Individual.
10 fortnightly rounds per season. If shooting at 20yds NSRA PL14 targets to be used, at 25m PL19 targets to be used. Course of fire 20 shots deliberate per round (ex200, points dropped), 5 shots at each of the 4 targets and all must be fired on the same day. Individual entry. Entry fees: £4.50 per individual.
How the system works out averages
The League Organiser is now able to recalculate all shooters' averages once all entries are in, after the end of the previous season. This ensures that those shooters who took part in the previous season will start the following season with the average that they ended the previous season with. Shooters who are new to the competition, or who haven't shot in the competition in the previous season will still require averages at point of entry. If your club has entered our leagues before, the system will still calculate your shooters' averages, at the time of entry, based on these criteria:
- If they are shooting in the current league (i.e. the one that is running at the time of a new league being opened for entries) then all rounds' scores, already shot, will be used to calculate an average for the new league's entry as long as the shooter has provided scores for two or more rounds. The later an entry is made for a new season's league the more rounds' scores in the current league will be used to calculate an average for your shooters.
- If less than two rounds have been completed in the currently running league then scores from the preceding league will be used.
- If less than two rounds have been completed in the currently running league and the shooter didn't participate in the preceding league, of if they did participate but provided less than two scores, then no system average will be provided.
- The system does NOT use a shooter's individual score automatically for team competitions in the same discipline unless the shooter has shot those competitions concurrently. Individual and team entries are treated as two separate competitions if a shooter participates in both competitons and hasn't shot his/her cards concurrently in the previous season.
How we score our leagues
Our leagues' competitions are generally sorted into divisions of six shooters or teams. There are situations when we will deviate from this, particularly depending on the number of entries. At midnight of each round end date the winner of each round will be awarded 6 ranking points (if there are 6 in the division); 5 points will be added to the next best shooter/team and so on to the last shooter, who will be awarded 1 point. The ranking points columns are shown with a little downward arrow after the gun score columns. If a shooter doesn't provide a score for any particular round NSR (no score recorded) will be displayed in his score field and he will receive 0 ranking points. In the case of a team that doesn't provide scores for all its team members, NSR will be displayed even though the rest of the team's scores have been entered. The ranking points awarded for that team will reflect the total score received from the team members whose scores were entered. Therefore, 0 points are NOT given to a team that provides some scores. Those teams will be ranked in accordance with the gun scores received.
In the case of two shooters/teams entering the same gun score they will both receive the same number of ranking points. Subsequent shooters/teams will then be pushed down to third in the rankings. For example, three shooters enter a gun score of 1 in a division of 6 and they are awarded 6 ranking points each. The next best shooter enters a gun score of 4 but because he is, in effect, the fourth in the division his ranking score will be 3, the same score he would have received had the first three shooters entered three different gun scores better than his (0,1,2, for example).
Shooters/teams are moved around in their positions in the divisions depending on their overall running total of ranking points scored after each round. At the end of the competition, after the final round, the shooter/team with the highest ranking points wins that division. Winners of division 1 in any competition are awarded engraved, bespoke, gold medal/s and winners of subsequent divisions are awarded silver medals. In the case of a draw in ranking points, the gun score will determine the winner. In the case of a draw in total gun score, winners' medals are awarded on count back, with the first lowest (or highest, depending on the competition) gun score in the last round (and further back if necessary) used as the decider.
New Benchrest X scoring system
All our competitions will still be scored and ranked as above but in the case of benchrest competitions that are shot on the white centred targets we are now incorporating an additional column, in each round, for the number of Xs scored in that round. If you are shooting on white centred targets you will enter the number of points dropped on that round into the usual score box. You will then add the number of Xs scored into the box alongside it If there are no Xs scored then leave the box blank. Each round, and subsequently at the end of the competition, shooters will first be ranked on gunscore and, in the case of a draw, ranked on the number of Xs scored in that round (and at the end of the competition). Shooters are at liberty to shoot on standard cards for the distance involved but will not be able to include Xs into their scores. This system will only be implemented where white centred targets are available through the NSRA. This includes the Short Range benchrest competition and the 50m Long Range.
Round End Dates
These are the dates that you MUST get your scores entered online. You will not be able to enter scores after these dates. Some leagues have 'Shoot By' dates set, anything up to two weeks before the Round End dates. If that is the case, you will have to enter the scores for each round by the Shoot By date. After the Shoot By date you will not be able to enter scores and will need to contact the League Secretary. Results will be displayed just after midnight of the Round End dates.
Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Rd 8 | Rd 9 | Rd 10 |
4/11/24 | 4/11/24 | 2/12/24 | 2/12/24 | 6/1/25 | 6/1/25 | 3/2/25 | 3/2/25 | 3/3/25 | 3/3/25 |
Summer 2025 round end dates:
Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Rd 8 | Rd 9 | Rd 10 |
26/5/25 | 26/5/25 | 23/6/25 | 23/6/25 | 21/7/25 | 21/7/25 | 18/8/25 | 18/8/25 | 15/9/25 | 15/9/25 |
For more information on all our leagues see our Rules and Regs page.